
4d84f46edbb1cd8575c4e13d688eac47ea98b8fc — Elias Naur 4 years ago 3944ef4
apps: replace separate layout state with layout.Context fields

Signed-off-by: Elias Naur <mail@eliasnaur.com>
6 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)

M apps/go.mod
M apps/go.sum
M apps/gophers/main.go
M apps/gophers/main_test.go
M apps/gophers/ui.go
M apps/hello/hello.go
M apps/go.mod => apps/go.mod +1 -1
@@ 3,7 3,7 @@ module gioui.org/apps
go 1.13

require (
	gioui.org/ui v0.0.0-20190924183214-2f878fe154d1
	gioui.org/ui v0.0.0-20190924202410-3944ef4b2e46
	github.com/google/go-github/v24 v24.0.1
	golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20190627132806-fd42eb6b336f
	golang.org/x/image v0.0.0-20190703141733-d6a02ce849c9

M apps/go.sum => apps/go.sum +2 -2
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
cloud.google.com/go v0.34.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw=
gioui.org/ui v0.0.0-20190924183214-2f878fe154d1 h1:9R7EDPuwyF9dFfGLC6vZ9mL86eYIGlEBwzkHHo0/Ze0=
gioui.org/ui v0.0.0-20190924183214-2f878fe154d1/go.mod h1:PssKPKlqVIeyaed+0w492Xc2NgX5M3n6oZKOAj5rxoE=
gioui.org/ui v0.0.0-20190924202410-3944ef4b2e46 h1:aNmeeRhiuvnWyM3YafyZ3XIHwl3qThBWJP0O2Nj2uCo=
gioui.org/ui v0.0.0-20190924202410-3944ef4b2e46/go.mod h1:PssKPKlqVIeyaed+0w492Xc2NgX5M3n6oZKOAj5rxoE=
github.com/BurntSushi/xgb v0.0.0-20160522181843-27f122750802/go.mod h1:IVnqGOEym/WlBOVXweHU+Q+/VP0lqqI8lqeDx9IjBqo=
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.2.0 h1:P3YflyNX/ehuJFLhxviNdFxQPkGK5cDcApsge1SqnvM=
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.2.0/go.mod h1:6lQm79b+lXiMfvg/cZm0SGofjICqVBUtrP5yJMmIC1U=

M apps/gophers/main.go => apps/gophers/main.go +6 -8
@@ 77,9 77,9 @@ func initProfiling() {

func (a *App) run() error {
	a.ui.profiling = *stats
	ops := new(ui.Ops)
	var cfg app.Config
	ctx := new(layout.Context)
	c := &layout.Context{
		Queue: a.w.Queue(),
	for {
		select {
		case users := <-a.updateUsers:

@@ 127,11 127,9 @@ func (a *App) run() error {
			case app.UpdateEvent:
				cfg = e.Config
				ctx.Constraints = layout.RigidConstraints(e.Size)
				a.ui.Layout(&cfg, a.w.Queue(), ops, ctx)
				c.Reset(&e.Config, layout.RigidConstraints(e.Size))

M apps/gophers/main_test.go => apps/gophers/main_test.go +7 -9
@@ 8,7 8,6 @@ import (


@@ 19,18 18,17 @@ type config struct{}
func BenchmarkUI(b *testing.B) {
	fetch := func(_ string) {}
	u := newUI(fetch)
	ops := new(ui.Ops)
	q := new(queue)
	c := new(config)
	ctx := new(layout.Context)
	ctx.Constraints = layout.RigidConstraints(image.Point{800, 600})
	cfg := new(config)
	c := &layout.Context{
		Queue: new(queue),
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		u.Layout(c, q, ops, ctx)
		c.Reset(cfg, layout.RigidConstraints(image.Point{800, 600}))

func (queue) Next(k input.Key) (input.Event, bool) {
func (queue) Next(k ui.Key) (ui.Event, bool) {
	return nil, false

M apps/gophers/ui.go => apps/gophers/ui.go +92 -93
@@ 20,7 20,6 @@ import (

@@ 172,44 171,44 @@ func (u *UI) face(f *sfnt.Font, size float32) text.Face {
	return u.faces.For(f, ui.Sp(size))

func (u *UI) layoutTimings(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context) {
func (u *UI) layoutTimings(c *layout.Context) {
	if !u.profiling {
	for e, ok := q.Next(u); ok; e, ok = q.Next(u) {
	for e, ok := c.Next(u); ok; e, ok = c.Next(u) {
		if e, ok := e.(system.ProfileEvent); ok {
			u.profile = e
	system.ProfileOp{Key: u}.Add(ops)
	system.ProfileOp{Key: u}.Add(c.Ops)
	var mstats runtime.MemStats
	mallocs := mstats.Mallocs - u.lastMallocs
	u.lastMallocs = mstats.Mallocs
	layout.Align(layout.NE).Layout(ops, ctx, func() {
		layout.Inset{Top: ui.Dp(16)}.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
	layout.Align(layout.NE).Layout(c, func() {
		layout.Inset{Top: ui.Dp(16)}.Layout(c, func() {
			txt := fmt.Sprintf("m: %d %s", mallocs, u.profile.Timings)
			text.Label{Material: theme.text, Face: u.face(fonts.mono, 10), Text: txt}.Layout(ops, ctx)
			text.Label{Material: theme.text, Face: u.face(fonts.mono, 10), Text: txt}.Layout(c)

func (u *UI) Layout(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context) {
func (u *UI) Layout(c *layout.Context) {
	for i := range u.userClicks {
		click := &u.userClicks[i]
		for e, ok := click.Next(q); ok; e, ok = click.Next(q) {
		for e, ok := click.Next(c); ok; e, ok = click.Next(c) {
			if e.Type == gesture.TypeClick {
				u.selectedUser = u.newUserPage(u.users[i])
	if u.selectedUser == nil {
		u.layoutUsers(c, q, ops, ctx)
	} else {
		u.selectedUser.Layout(c, q, ops, ctx)
	u.layoutTimings(c, q, ops, ctx)

func (u *UI) newUserPage(user *user) *userPage {

@@ 222,156 221,156 @@ func (u *UI) newUserPage(user *user) *userPage {
	return up

func (up *userPage) Layout(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context) {
func (up *userPage) Layout(c *layout.Context) {
	l := up.commitsList
	if l.Dragging() {
	l.Layout(c, q, ops, ctx, len(up.commits), func(i int) {
		up.commit(c, ops, ctx, i)
	l.Layout(c, len(up.commits), func(i int) {
		up.commit(c, i)

func (up *userPage) commit(c ui.Config, ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context, index int) {
func (up *userPage) commit(c *layout.Context, index int) {
	u := up.user
	msg := up.commits[index].GetMessage()
	label := text.Label{Material: theme.text, Face: up.faces.For(fonts.regular, ui.Sp(12)), Text: msg}
	in := layout.Inset{Top: ui.Dp(16), Right: ui.Dp(8), Left: ui.Dp(8)}
	in.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
		f := (&layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Horizontal}).Init(ops, ctx)
	in.Layout(c, func() {
		f := (&layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Horizontal}).Init(c)
		c1 := f.Rigid(func() {
			sz := c.Px(ui.Dp(48))
			cc := clipCircle{}
			cc.Layout(ops, ctx, func() {
				ctx.Constraints = layout.RigidConstraints(ctx.Constraints.Constrain(image.Point{X: sz, Y: sz}))
				widget.Image{Src: u.avatar, Rect: u.avatar.Bounds()}.Layout(c, ops, ctx)
			cc.Layout(c, func() {
				c.Constraints = layout.RigidConstraints(c.Constraints.Constrain(image.Point{X: sz, Y: sz}))
				widget.Image{Src: u.avatar, Rect: u.avatar.Bounds()}.Layout(c)
		c2 := f.Flexible(1, func() {
			ctx.Constraints.Width.Min = ctx.Constraints.Width.Max
			layout.Inset{Left: ui.Dp(8)}.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
				label.Layout(ops, ctx)
			c.Constraints.Width.Min = c.Constraints.Width.Max
			layout.Inset{Left: ui.Dp(8)}.Layout(c, func() {
		f.Layout(c1, c2)

func (u *UI) layoutUsers(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context) {
	st := (&layout.Stack{}).Init(ops, ctx)
func (u *UI) layoutUsers(c *layout.Context) {
	st := (&layout.Stack{}).Init(c)
	c2 := st.Rigid(func() {
		layout.Align(layout.SE).Layout(ops, ctx, func() {
		layout.Align(layout.SE).Layout(c, func() {
			in := layout.UniformInset(ui.Dp(16))
			in.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
				u.fab.Layout(c, q, ops, ctx)
			in.Layout(c, func() {

	c1 := st.Expand(func() {
		f := (&layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Vertical}).Init(ops, ctx)
		f := (&layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Vertical}).Init(c)

		c1 := f.Rigid(func() {
			ctx.Constraints.Width.Min = ctx.Constraints.Width.Max
			layout.UniformInset(ui.Dp(16)).Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
			c.Constraints.Width.Min = c.Constraints.Width.Max
			layout.UniformInset(ui.Dp(16)).Layout(c, func() {
				sz := c.Px(ui.Dp(200))
				cs := ctx.Constraints
				ctx.Constraints = layout.RigidConstraints(cs.Constrain(image.Point{X: sz, Y: sz}))
				u.edit.Layout(c, q, ops, ctx)
				cs := c.Constraints
				c.Constraints = layout.RigidConstraints(cs.Constrain(image.Point{X: sz, Y: sz}))

		c2 := f.Rigid(func() {
			ctx.Constraints.Width.Min = ctx.Constraints.Width.Max
			c.Constraints.Width.Min = c.Constraints.Width.Max
			in := layout.Inset{Bottom: ui.Dp(16), Left: ui.Dp(16), Right: ui.Dp(16)}
			in.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
				u.edit2.Layout(c, q, ops, ctx)
			in.Layout(c, func() {

		c3 := f.Rigid(func() {
			ctx.Constraints.Width.Min = ctx.Constraints.Width.Max
			c.Constraints.Width.Min = c.Constraints.Width.Max
			s := layout.Stack{Alignment: layout.Center}
			s.Init(ops, ctx)
			c2 := s.Rigid(func() {
				grey := colorMaterial(ops, rgb(0x888888))
				grey := colorMaterial(c.Ops, rgb(0x888888))
				in := layout.Inset{Top: ui.Dp(16), Right: ui.Dp(8), Bottom: ui.Dp(8), Left: ui.Dp(8)}
				in.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
				in.Layout(c, func() {
					lbl := text.Label{Material: grey, Face: u.face(fonts.regular, 11), Text: "GOPHERS"}
					lbl.Layout(ops, ctx)
			c1 := s.Expand(func() {
				fill{colorMaterial(ops, rgb(0xf2f2f2))}.Layout(ops, ctx)
				fill{colorMaterial(c.Ops, rgb(0xf2f2f2))}.Layout(c)
			s.Layout(c1, c2)

		c4 := f.Flexible(1, func() {
			ctx.Constraints.Width.Min = ctx.Constraints.Width.Max
			u.layoutContributors(c, q, ops, ctx)
			c.Constraints.Width.Min = c.Constraints.Width.Max
		f.Layout(c1, c2, c3, c4)
	st.Layout(c1, c2)

func (a *ActionButton) Layout(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context) {
func (a *ActionButton) Layout(c *layout.Context) {
	f := layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Vertical, Alignment: layout.End}
	f.Init(ops, ctx)
	f.Layout(f.Rigid(func() {
		layout.Inset{Top: ui.Dp(4)}.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
			fab(ops, ctx, a.sendIco.image(c), theme.brand, c.Px(ui.Dp(56)))
			pointer.EllipseAreaOp{Rect: image.Rectangle{Max: ctx.Dimensions.Size}}.Add(ops)
		layout.Inset{Top: ui.Dp(4)}.Layout(c, func() {
			fab(c, a.sendIco.image(c), theme.brand, c.Px(ui.Dp(56)))
			pointer.EllipseAreaOp{Rect: image.Rectangle{Max: c.Dimensions.Size}}.Add(c.Ops)

func (u *UI) layoutContributors(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context) {
func (u *UI) layoutContributors(c *layout.Context) {
	l := u.usersList
	if l.Dragging() {
	l.Layout(c, q, ops, ctx, len(u.users), func(i int) {
		u.user(c, ops, ctx, i)
	l.Layout(c, len(u.users), func(i int) {
		u.user(c, i)

func (u *UI) user(c ui.Config, ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context, index int) {
func (u *UI) user(c *layout.Context, index int) {
	user := u.users[index]
	elem := layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Vertical}
	elem.Init(ops, ctx)
	c1 := elem.Rigid(func() {
		in := layout.UniformInset(ui.Dp(8))
		in.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
		in.Layout(c, func() {
			f := centerRowOpts()
			f.Init(ops, ctx)
			c1 := f.Rigid(func() {
				in := layout.Inset{Right: ui.Dp(8)}
				cc := clipCircle{}
				in.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
					cc.Layout(ops, ctx, func() {
				in.Layout(c, func() {
					cc.Layout(c, func() {
						sz := image.Point{X: c.Px(ui.Dp(48)), Y: c.Px(ui.Dp(48))}
						ctx.Constraints = layout.RigidConstraints(ctx.Constraints.Constrain(sz))
						widget.Image{Src: user.avatar, Rect: user.avatar.Bounds()}.Layout(c, ops, ctx)
						c.Constraints = layout.RigidConstraints(c.Constraints.Constrain(sz))
						widget.Image{Src: user.avatar, Rect: user.avatar.Bounds()}.Layout(c)
			c2 := f.Rigid(func() {
				f := column()
				f.Init(ops, ctx)
				c1 := f.Rigid(func() {
					f := baseline()
					f.Init(ops, ctx)
					c1 := f.Rigid(func() {
						text.Label{Material: theme.text, Face: u.face(fonts.regular, 13), Text: user.name}.Layout(ops, ctx)
						text.Label{Material: theme.text, Face: u.face(fonts.regular, 13), Text: user.name}.Layout(c)
					c2 := f.Flexible(1, func() {
						ctx.Constraints.Width.Min = ctx.Constraints.Width.Max
						layout.Align(layout.E).Layout(ops, ctx, func() {
							layout.Inset{Left: ui.Dp(2)}.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
						c.Constraints.Width.Min = c.Constraints.Width.Max
						layout.Align(layout.E).Layout(c, func() {
							layout.Inset{Left: ui.Dp(2)}.Layout(c, func() {
								lbl := text.Label{Material: theme.text, Face: u.face(fonts.regular, 10), Text: "3 hours ago"}
								lbl.Layout(ops, ctx)

@@ 379,17 378,17 @@ func (u *UI) user(c ui.Config, ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context, index int) {
				c2 := f.Rigid(func() {
					in := layout.Inset{Top: ui.Dp(4)}
					in.Layout(c, ops, ctx, func() {
						text.Label{Material: theme.tertText, Face: u.face(fonts.regular, 12), Text: user.company}.Layout(ops, ctx)
					in.Layout(c, func() {
						text.Label{Material: theme.tertText, Face: u.face(fonts.regular, 12), Text: user.company}.Layout(c)
				f.Layout(c1, c2)
			f.Layout(c1, c2)
		pointer.RectAreaOp{Rect: image.Rectangle{Max: ctx.Dimensions.Size}}.Add(ops)
		pointer.RectAreaOp{Rect: image.Rectangle{Max: c.Dimensions.Size}}.Add(c.Ops)
		click := &u.userClicks[index]

@@ 398,15 397,15 @@ type fill struct {
	material ui.MacroOp

func (f fill) Layout(ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context) {
	cs := ctx.Constraints
func (f fill) Layout(c *layout.Context) {
	cs := c.Constraints
	d := image.Point{X: cs.Width.Max, Y: cs.Height.Max}
	dr := f32.Rectangle{
		Max: f32.Point{X: float32(d.X), Y: float32(d.Y)},
	paint.PaintOp{Rect: dr}.Add(ops)
	ctx.Dimensions = layout.Dimensions{Size: d, Baseline: d.Y}
	paint.PaintOp{Rect: dr}.Add(c.Ops)
	c.Dimensions = layout.Dimensions{Size: d, Baseline: d.Y}

func column() layout.Flex {

@@ 424,12 423,12 @@ func baseline() layout.Flex {
type clipCircle struct {

func (c *clipCircle) Layout(ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context, w layout.Widget) {
func (cc *clipCircle) Layout(c *layout.Context, w layout.Widget) {
	var m ui.MacroOp
	dims := ctx.Dimensions
	dims := c.Dimensions
	max := dims.Size.X
	if dy := dims.Size.Y; dy > max {
		max = dy

@@ 437,24 436,24 @@ func (c *clipCircle) Layout(ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context, w layout.Widget) {
	szf := float32(max)
	rr := szf * .5
	var stack ui.StackOp
	rrect(ops, szf, szf, rr, rr, rr, rr)
	rrect(c.Ops, szf, szf, rr, rr, rr, rr)

func fab(ops *ui.Ops, ctx *layout.Context, ico image.Image, mat ui.MacroOp, size int) {
func fab(c *layout.Context, ico image.Image, mat ui.MacroOp, size int) {
	dp := image.Point{X: (size - ico.Bounds().Dx()) / 2, Y: (size - ico.Bounds().Dy()) / 2}
	dims := image.Point{X: size, Y: size}
	rr := float32(size) * .5
	rrect(ops, float32(size), float32(size), rr, rr, rr, rr)
	paint.PaintOp{Rect: f32.Rectangle{Max: f32.Point{X: float32(size), Y: float32(size)}}}.Add(ops)
	paint.ImageOp{Src: ico, Rect: ico.Bounds()}.Add(ops)
	rrect(c.Ops, float32(size), float32(size), rr, rr, rr, rr)
	paint.PaintOp{Rect: f32.Rectangle{Max: f32.Point{X: float32(size), Y: float32(size)}}}.Add(c.Ops)
	paint.ImageOp{Src: ico, Rect: ico.Bounds()}.Add(c.Ops)
		Rect: toRectF(ico.Bounds().Add(dp)),
	ctx.Dimensions = layout.Dimensions{Size: dims}
	c.Dimensions = layout.Dimensions{Size: dims}

func toRectF(r image.Rectangle) f32.Rectangle {

M apps/hello/hello.go => apps/hello/hello.go +9 -11
@@ 34,29 34,27 @@ func loop(w *app.Window) error {
	if err != nil {
		panic("failed to load font")
	var cfg app.Config
	var faces measure.Faces
	maroon := color.RGBA{127, 0, 0, 255}
	face := faces.For(regular, ui.Sp(72))
	message := "Hello, Gio"
	ops := new(ui.Ops)
	ctx := new(layout.Context)
	c := &layout.Context{
		Queue: w.Queue(),
	for {
		e := <-w.Events()
		switch e := e.(type) {
		case app.DestroyEvent:
			return e.Err
		case app.UpdateEvent:
			cfg = e.Config
			ctx.Constraints = layout.RigidConstraints(e.Size)
			c.Reset(&e.Config, layout.RigidConstraints(e.Size))
			var material ui.MacroOp
			paint.ColorOp{Color: maroon}.Add(ops)
			paint.ColorOp{Color: maroon}.Add(c.Ops)
			text.Label{Material: material, Face: face, Alignment: text.Middle, Text: message}.Layout(ops, ctx)
			text.Label{Material: material, Face: face, Alignment: text.Middle, Text: message}.Layout(c)